Today's post is the second of two parts. I will go through the pros and cons of the Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL), share with you my general opinion on using life insurance as an investment, and give you some questions to ask yourself to help you decide whether you should invest through an insurance product. If you haven't read the Part 1 yet, you could easily find it here.
Is It A Good Idea To use life insurance as an investment? - Part 1
Last year in 2017, apart from the Bitcoin question, another most frequently asked questions was "should you use life insurance as an investment". Even though investing through a life insurance policy doesn't have a good reputation among fee-only financial planners in general, I believe there is neither a bad investment vehicle by default nor a good investment product or methodology for everyone. It is to understand the pros and cons of all your options and then make an informed decision based on your specific situation. Hope this blog could help when you are approached by an insurance agent next time. Today's post is the first of two parts and covers the Participating Whole Life Insurance and the Current Assumption Universal Life Insurance.
2017 Annual Market Review
For a long-term investor who owns a globally diversified portfolio, reviewing the market performance from a global perspective may help him/her have a better understanding of where the investment returns come from, how much the opportunity cost is to invest in one asset class instead of others, and what the benefits of diversification are. If you are interested, you could read our 2017 Annual Market Review.
2017 Recap And Happy 2018
As we wrapped up 2017 and stepped into 2018, I want to thank you all for subscribing and reading my blog. Most of my blog posts were inspired either by my own experience or clients' questions. Today, I would like to give you a quick recap of the steps I took in my 2017 financial planning journey. You could also find the link to my past blog post associated with each topic.